Pupil Premium 2023/24
“All students experience excellence in every aspect of their development”
The targeted and strategic use of the pupil premium will support us in achieving our vision that every student should have the opportunity to fulfil their full potential”
What is Pupil Premium funding?
The Pupil Premium is a sum of money the school receives from the Government for each student who is either in receipt of Free School Meals (FSM) or who has been in receipt of them for any length of time during the last six years. We also receive money for students with parents who are serving in the Armed Forces.
Nationally, the statistics show that students who are in receipt of FSM do less well than their peers in external exams. The aim of this money is to try to close that attainment gap.
Thomas Alleyne's has been allocated a pupil premium value is allocated based on the number of students who are entitled to free school meals (or have received free school meals in the last 6 years) and also the number of students in care. Census, this was 108 students in total.
What are the main barriers to learning?
- Literacy and numeracy skills of students eligible for PP are significantly lower than for other pupils.
- Gaps in learning from the results of Lockdowns.
- Low level of study skills and IT resources together with a lack of confidence can lead to lower attendance levels for PP than for other pupils.
- Mental health concerns as result of pandemic
What have we used the funding for?
During the last year this pupil premium funding has been allocated to provide:
- Targeted support to raise attainment across both key stages through additional staffing.
- Provide coaching and mentoring to raise aspirations, improve attendance and support emotional well-being.
- Additional staff are allocated to provide one-to-one and targeted small group tuition for students in core subject areas.
- To provide financial support for extra-curricular activities to ensure eligible students have the opportunity to develop their social and team-building skills
- Purchase resources and equipment where necessary to remove barriers to learning including laptops, revision guides and uniform.
- Summer School for Year 8 pupils to help transition.
- Summer School to reduce gaps with English and Maths.
- Careers guidance.
What has been the impact of this funding?
Impact on results (attainment and progress)
As a result of the targeted support children received through our pupil premium funding, the progress 8 score (0.11)
Impact on attendance
Targeted intervention using an attendance officer and Heads of House work to improve persistent absence. Persistent absence pupils have received the support of a 1:1 tutor to allow them to catch up with missed work.
Coaching and Mentoring
Pupil Premium funding contributes to the funding of the Yess and Coaching for Success to provide coaching and mentoring for vulnerable students to ensure they are supported both academically and emotionally.
Progress in Maths and English
Funding has been used to provide support for students to ensure they make continuous progress and achieve the grades they are capable of in Maths and English. Student support is targeted to ensure all students (including pupil premium students) of all abilities are making their expected levels of progress.
English and Maths results have shown that 53% (TAGS) of Pp pupils achieved a standard pass and 31% (TAGS) achieved a strong pass. The attainment 8 average score was 42.30% (TAGS).
Extra-Curricular Activities
Music lessons have been part-funded, information and guidance events, Summer School for year 8, Half termly and Easter revision, theatre trips throughout the year praise and motivation breakfasts and a range of other activities to support student development and progress.
Resources and equipment
The following has been purchased to support learning: Art and D&T resources, ICT equipment, GCSE pod, revision guides, textbooks, transport arrangements, school uniform, PE kits and breakfasts to support student progress, attendance and development.
Funding 2023/24
The funding allocated for 2023/24 will continue to support students in similar ways as identified above to ensure all the students receive outstanding teaching, care, guidance, and support. For the coming academic year co-ordinators will monitor attainment and progress in year 10 and 11. Mental health practitioners will work with students and staff to support mental health and build resilience.